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6 Best Practices to Improve Online Reviews

Image of Pam Georgiana
Pam Georgiana

Did you know that your online reputation can affect your bottom line? It’s true.  Online reviews are essential to every modern sales process. According to recent survey statistics, 95% of consumers read reviews before they buy a product. This is true for all kinds of products. 92.4% of survey respondents say reading a trusted review makes them more likely to buy a B2B product. In this article, we’ll offer six best practices for improving your online reviews.

Provide Outstanding Customer Service

Research shows that consumers are willing to pay up to 16% more for a great customer experience. Online reviews create a pivotal opportunity to provide that good experience. . 

Take action on each and every review, both positive and negative. With positive reviews, you’ll reinforce the good feelings the customer has about your business. For negative reviews, empower your team to take accountability for any mistakes made, and to make decisions that resolve issues promptly. 

Use reviews as an opportunity to go the extra mile to surprise and delight your customers and prospects. By acting on  customers’ feedback, you build lasting and loyal relationships that encourage positive online and offline word of mouth. 

Consistently Request Feedback and Reviews

Building a positive online reputation requires deliberate planning and strategy. Develop a system to request reviews from as many customers as possible. Empower your sales team to ask for feedback all along the customer’s sales journey and then for a review quickly after a transaction is complete. 

Make it simple for customers to write and post reviews on Google and other platforms. Calldrip streamlines this process with our Review software solution because your Google My Business page will be integrated into your call system. 

Monitor and Respond to Reviews

Regularly track your reviews on Google My Business, Yelp and other review platforms, as well as your social media channels. It's essential to respond to every review, both positive and negative. Show appreciation for positive feedback and address concerns professionally. 

55% of consumers said that if a business owner responds to their review, they would feel positive about a business. Timeliness also matters. 53% of consumers expect a reply to a negative review within a week. One-third of consumers expect this response in three days or less. Responding promptly to a negative review can help prevent the situation from escalating. It can also reassure other potential customers who read the review.

Responding to reviews shows potential customers that you value your customers and prospects and are actively engaged in creating a better customer experience.

Encourage Employee Advocacy

Your sales team acts as your company's ambassadors daily, so it makes sense to include them in improving online reviews. They understand customer needs, preferences, and pain points, making them well-suited to gather and respond to valuable customer feedback. Make sure they understand the impact that positive customer reviews can have and the opportunity a negative review can offer.  

Encourage your team to share their success stories and expand your brand's reach and visibility through their personal and business networks. 

Showcase Positive Reviews

Your positive reviews are one of your most valuable sales assets. Make it a practice to continuously update and highlight positive reviews on your marketing and sales channels. This includes your company website or testimonials page and your Google My Business page.

 Don't forget to share positive reviews on your social media platforms. Include excerpts from good reviews in case studies, white papers, emails, advertising campaigns, sales brochures and presentations, and press releases. 

Think this is overkill? According to one study by Spiegel Research Center, products with reviews have a 270% higher likelihood of being purchased than products without reviews.

Continuously Improve Based on Feedback

Reviews are not only sales tools. They are also training tools. Reviews will uncover areas for improvement for many departments. Customer feedback can help your company enhance your products, services, customer experience, marketing and advertising campaigns, and sales process.

For sales training, analyze reviews to identify common themes and trends related to customer preferences, sales techniques, product knowledge, communication skills, common objections or barriers, and more. During team meetings, share positive reviews that highlight exceptional customer experiences and successful sales interactions. Use these examples to demonstrate best practices and celebrate team achievements. Address negative feedback by focusing on the issues raised and encourage open discussion and role-playing to improve in those areas. 

Leveraging this powerful data shows your customers and employees that your company stands by your commitment to ongoing improvement.

Do you need to build a system for soliciting and improving online reviews? Fear not; there are tools to help you create and implement a process that won't disrupt your team's workflow or your customers' experience. Calldrip's Review platform helps you leverage the power of your customers to fuel your growth.

Want to learn more? Schedule a demo here.

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