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The Renewed Importance of Lead Follow Up in 2024 & Beyond

Image of Aaron Parsons
Aaron Parsons

Welcome to 2024 – a year packed with promises and, let's be real, a few challenges too. The game has changed. No more waiting around for potential buyers to come knocking at your door. Now, it's all about taking charge and actively chasing those leads to secure success. So, let's dive into the opportunity to rethink strategies for responding to online and phone leads.   As businesses roll with the punches in this ever-evolving landscape, the key is to grab every opportunity that comes our way.

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How to Manage Customer Conversations During the Current Auto Inventory Shortages

Image of Aaron Parsons
Aaron Parsons

The ongoing chip shortage is causing severe auto inventory constraints. This extremely limited supply is costing the industry millions in lost unit sales and billions in lost profits. However, automotive dealers are adept at managing adversity. Dealerships have done it in the past: remember the 2009 crash followed by cash for clunkers? 

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3 Ways to Improve Phone Call Tracking & Monitoring - Automatically

Image of Kinsey Wolf
Kinsey Wolf

Chances are, your business is spending thousands of dollars every year on advertising to attract and close prospects. Most businesses will include a phone number with at least some of those advertisements.

Sound familiar? If so, you’ve probably heard of call tracking and monitoring.

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How to Optimize Marketing ROI with Call Tracking

Image of Michelle Farnsworth
Michelle Farnsworth

We all know it – collecting consumer data is vital to any business who wants to optimize online lead conversions. So, how can call tracking help?

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13 Features of the Best Call Tracking Software

Image of Pam Georgiana
Pam Georgiana

Quick question: If you had the opportunity to promote one salesperson on your team, how would you choose the person? You'd base it on their sales performance, right? What if you weren't tracking individual sales per employee? How would you know who performs best?

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How to Create Your Call Tracking System in 6 Steps

Image of Pam Georgiana
Pam Georgiana

If your sales team makes a sale without knowing how the customer heard about your product, does it really matter? Yes, it matters. You've lost an invaluable chance to learn critical information that could help your team immensely.

Forrester reports that 82% of marketers think that data from their inbound sales calls show "costly blind spots" in their sales process. Yet 60% say their companies don't track the data they need to convert prospects and customers. Analyzing call data is much easier with the help of call tracking

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How Inbound Call Tracking Amplifies Customer Insights

Image of Kinsey Wolf
Kinsey Wolf

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, understanding your customer is more crucial than ever. Brands can no longer rely on surface-level analytics. If your business still operates under the impression that traditional metrics can provide all the insights you need, it might be time for a wake-up call—literally. Welcome to the world of inbound call tracking.

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How to Build Your Sales Enablement Strategy

Image of Kinsey Wolf
Kinsey Wolf

Sales success these days is more than just “dialing for dollars.” Today, sales leaders need to be adept at building connections, collaborating with other team members, improving systems and processes, and always adding value. The best strategy to get you there? Sales enablement

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Small Business Success Blueprint: 5 Strategies for Standing Out

Image of Aaron Parsons
Aaron Parsons

For small businesses, the challenge is ever-present: to achieve more with fewer resources while navigating a highly competitive market. Striking a balance between efficiency and competitiveness is a constant struggle.

In this blog, we explore 5 practical strategies that enable small businesses to thrive. 

We'll delve into the power of sales enablement tools, focusing on the ability to rapidly create connections with customers—a game-changing approach that sets the stage for successful engagements. Additionally, we'll emphasize the significance of customer reviews, shedding light on their pivotal role in shaping a small business's reputation and customer trust

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A Quick-Start Guide to Conversational Sales Software

Image of Pam Georgiana
Pam Georgiana

Today's sales teams face unique challenges in a very competitive global marketplace. If you’re in sales, you know how hard it is to communicate your differentiation, especially when  technological advances and shifts in consumer behavior move at the speed of light. For example, 67% of the B2B buyer's journey is digital. Research shows that 35% to 50% of sales go to the vendor that responds first.

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