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Six Automated Text Response Examples to Boost Your Sales Efficiency

Image of Pam Georgiana
Pam Georgiana

Did you know that 90% of U.S. consumers prefer to speak with a human when they have questions about a company's products or services instead of interacting with an automated bot? In addition, 63% would take their business to a company that offered text messaging as a communication channel. That is more than six customers out of ten! Can you afford to lose sixty percent of your customers? Have you implemented text messaging into your team’s sales process? If not, now is the time to implement text messaging into your team’s sales process. 

We recently posted a blog about how automated text messaging can supercharge your sales team’s performance. Text messaging can streamline and optimize your sales funnel with the right tools and processes. In this follow-up blog, we'll provide some automated text response examples, use cases, and templates to show you just how powerful it can be.

The Basics of Automated Text Messaging

Automated text messaging allows your team to send scheduled or triggered SMS messages to leads and customers as a part of your sales process. Instead of manually writing and sending a messageto every inquiry, a text is sent automatically. Your team will be more responsive to prospects and can meet them where they are via their cell phone. Plus, the automation streamlines your workflows and gives your team more time to actually connect with leads, instead of responding to emails or calls.

Four Benefits of Automated Text Messaging for Sales Professionals

There are several benefits to using automated text messaging in your sales process, especially when implementing templates customized to your industry and your ideal customer. Here are just four of them. 

  1. Speed of Response: No matter who your customers are or what business you are in, 78% of them will buy from the first company to respond to their inquiries. Many prospects see text as their preferred communication channel. Plus, 60% of consumers read a text within 1-5 minutes of receiving it. Automated text response software empowers your team to respond to inquiries via text within seconds, which is convenient for your customers and a real edge against competition. 
  2. Time-Saving:  The best text message automation tools allow you to build workflows based on triggers, like call date and time, customer sentiment, and more. Your team won’t have to stop what they are doing to compose and send reply messages from scratch. The software will handle the process from beginning to end, including storing crucial customer data. In addition, by creating these standard workflows, your team will have clear guidelines about when and how to communicate with prospects. 
  3. Consistency and Branding: These guidelines and templates will enable your team to maintain a consistent brand voice and message. Consistency is critical to building a credible brand and a loyal customer base. With automated text messaging templates, your team will be aligned and on-brand, and every customer will receive the best customer service. 
  4. Personalization and Targeting: Some text messaging automation can also personalize messages based on individual recipients. A whopping 80% of consumers are more likely to purchase from a brand that provides personalized experiences. New technology improves your ability to respond dynamically based on the information your lead shares. With Calldrip's Artificial Intelligence (AI) sales assistant, you can take sales to the next level by automating every customer touchpoint with an instant, personalized message.

Five Features of an Automated Text Response Solution

Many sales response software solutions like Calldrip offer automated text response functionality. This functionality allows your sales team to take advantage of these features:

  1. Respond to sales inquiries quickly.
  2. Personalize every message using the channel the customer prefers.
  3. Route each lead to the best team member.
  4. Access to a shared inbox so that no message falls through the cracks.
  5. Opportunities for sales enablement coaching through the tracking and analysis of each message.

Six Automated Text Response Examples and Use Cases

For a sales team, there are several very important sales funnel touchpoints where automated text response templates can be vital to success. 

Initial Outreach

When a prospect fills out your web form, an automated and personalized thank you text is sent telling them to expect a call from a member of your team. The text can include specific information to answer the prospect's questions and give them information on what to expect as the next steps. 

Here are two automated text response examples using Calldrip’s templates:

Initial Response to a Web Form:

Thanks for contacting [BUSINESS NAME]! We received your inquiry and will be reaching out shortly from this number. If you can’t answer, feel free to text us back your availability. 

Missed Inbound Call:

Thanks for contacting [BUSINESS NAME]! Sorry we missed your call. We’ll be reaching out to you as soon as possible. If you’d prefer, you can reply to this text message. - [BUSINESS NAME]

Follow-Ups and Nurturing

Nurturing sales relationships is critical to your team’s success. Around 68% of customers say a service representative is key to a positive service experience. Texting is often the best way to do this. For example, 83% of consumers want to receive appointment reminders via text. Positive communication before and after every interaction demonstrates that your team values the customer. Every message is a chance to make a positive impression and a strong relationship.

Here are two automated text response examples using Calldrip’s templates:

Appointment Confirmation:

Hi [FIRST NAME], looking forward to our appointment on [DATE] at [TIME]. If you need anything in the meantime, just call or text back. See you soon!

Thank You Follow Up:

Hi [FIRST NAME], it was great speaking with you! If you need anything just call or text us back at this number. Thanks again for contacting [BUSINESS NAME].

Upselling and Cross-Selling

Increasing customer lifetime value is easier when customers feel supported and valued. Automated text messaging ensures your sales team is always available to provide information, answer questions, address concerns, offer new products, and provide help promptly. This level of customer service builds trust and increases the likelihood of prospects wanting more from you. 

Here are two automated text response examples using Calldrip’s templates:

Welcome Text:

Thanks for signing up for notifications from [BUSINESS NAME]! If you have any questions, feel free to text us here, or call [PHONE].

New Product Information Text:

Hi [FIRST NAME]. I hope you are loving your new [PRODUCT/SERVICE]. We offer an extended warranty package to avoid unnecessary headaches and downtime costs. Send us a text if you are interested in more information.

Calldrip offers a series of customizable text messaging templates you can use to get started with automated text messaging. They include templates for auto dealers, real estate companies, and home services companies. 

How to Implement Automated Text Messaging Templates

Look for sales enablement software that empowers your sales team to communicate with leads through many channels using customizable templates and scripts. Calldrip's flagship product, Respond, is a rapid lead response tool that makes it super simple to strike up sales conversations via phone and text. The software connects your team to leads within seconds, before your competitors, with an authentic and human touch. With Calldrip, you can communicate with leads via SMS text in three ways:

  • With automated messaging
  • Through live, one-on-one messaging
  • Through our new AI Sales Assistant

AI Takes it to the Next Level

Through a tool like our new Sales Assistant, your team can leverage AI to improve your company's text messaging strategy. The beauty of AI is that you can both automate and personalize each response. We’ve optimized the technology to be as human-centered as possible so that your leads can feel like they are having a natural, authentic, and relevant conversation that addresses their needs and moves them closer to purchase. This is the power of AI technology in a rapid lead response solution. 

It's clear that automated text messaging is critical to your sales team's efficiency and performance. With the right tools and processes, text messaging will streamline your team’s workload and optimize your sales funnel. Pre-written and triggered text messaging templates simplify the sales process for your team and engage customers in meaningful ways. Calldrip offers these templates for auto dealers, real estate companies, and home services companies.

If you’re interested in implementing AI in your sales response process, Calldrip is here to help. We’ve developed an inclusive suite of AI-enabled sales solutions, including text messaging automation. Click here to see one of our AI sales solutions in action.

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