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6 Easy Tips to Increase Your Sales Today

Image of Michelle Farnsworth
Michelle Farnsworth

More impatient, more demanding, and more informed.

Sound familiar?

With attributes like that, it can seem impossible to please today’s consumers let alone increase your sales.

Markets have always, and will always, change drastically. In looking at the patterns of the past, we know that businesses have to change with them in order to survive.

So, how do you evolve to please such a demanding cohort?

We delved into vast amounts of market research and broke it down into six fundamentals that will appease the tapping foot and raised eyebrow of your digital consumers.

1. Transparency Builds Trust.

As you’re reading this, take a quick look at your hands.

Are they on your phone as you’re scrolling through the text? Are they resting on your mouse or keyboard? At this moment, your fingertips are at the gateway to millions of articles, apps, images, research, and people.

As consumers, we’re soaking in this vast pool of data. All. Day. Long.

Without access to information on who your company is, what your products do, and how your customers feel, consumers start to feel left in the dark and potentially wary.

To increase your sales, provide authentic information to potential consumers on not just your products, but your company. There are lots of different channels you can leverage to engage with your audience, including:

  • Newsletters – Keep your audience posted on the latest updates and help them find relevant resources.
  • Social Media – Engage with consumers and offer personable follow-ups as necessary.
  • Blog Articles – Give insight into areas of expertise.
  • Guest Posts –  Show that you play well with others and that your product or service is compatible too.
  • White Papers – Educate them on a market issue and potential solutions.
  • YouTube – Provide a range in length and content that helps explain your business to newbies and gives in-depth tips for loyal users.
  • Review Pages – Get genuine feedback from consumers for prospects to see for themselves.
“Most customers—82%—conduct research online.” (Forbes)

Your prospects are going to research your company through these avenues anyway. It’s best, for you and for them, that they get the most accurate data from the original source – you.

Effective content marketing makes it easier to attract and engage leads while they're shopping. (Just make sure to respond quickly when they do interact with you brand, such as by filling out a form. Data consistently shows that speed-to-lead is key to boosting deals. More on that later.)

They’ve researched you, so what do they need next?

2. Consider Yourself A Consultant – Not A Salesperson

“Google Analytics Advocate Adam Singer said the average person consults 10.4 sources before finally making a purchase.” (Medium)

By the time these ten sources have been reviewed, your prospect could do your sales pitch for you. So what do you do to help increase your sales?

Instead of presenting a sales pitch, consider your next step a consultation.

Consultation=  a meeting with an expert or professional in order to seek advice.

In providing a consultation you are seeking to build the crucial link of trust between your prospect and your company. Your advice will be your company’s way of helping the consumer. The best way to do this is:


Today’s consumers immediately associate “salespeople” with “pushy” and it’s a major deal breaker. By simply listening, you allow your prospect to do your work for you. When you give them control of the conversation they’ll direct you straight to their personal pain points; setting you up to customize advice on how your product or service can help. 

Which leads us to the next principle…

3. Personal and Personable

Here’s the cheat sheet to this step:

Loyalty = (Repeat Buyer x Referrals) = Increase Your Sales

So, how do you create loyalty?

Customer loyalty is won when brands understand and respond to their needs.” (TowerData)

With technology as your sidekick, you’ve got access to understanding your customers better than ever before. Research, AI, analytics, surveys, and social media are just the tip of the iceberg when you want to understand your consumers better. 

Balance that data-driven knowledge with personable interactions. This reflects that you’ve truly taken this knowledge into consideration. The sort of relationship this builds with a company is a luxury – not the norm. Setting yourself apart and establishing a personable connection shows support, which creates an attitude of reciprocation from your consumer – aka loyalty.

Want to learn more about how AI can increase customer engagement and loyalty? Download the complete guide to AI in sales.

4. Quick = Quality

You may have caught on, but just as a refresher…

When do consumers want it?


How do they want to get it?

The easiest way possible!

“77% of US online adults say that valuing their time is the most important thing a company can do to provide them with good service.”  (Forrester)

Nowadays, quick is quality. Rapid lead response is not just a nice to have - it's essential in today's highly competitive sales environment.

When you don’t have the time, manpower, or resources to go the extra mile in giving attention to customers, it may be time to seek some assistance to increase your sales. There are hundreds of companies and automation tools specifically developed to help you with the many hats you’re attempting to balance on one head. Calldrip is proud to be one.

If you’re having a hard time biting the bullet to commit to some assistance it’s time to think of the long-term; your company’s survival may depend on it. Without these tools, your sales may begin to suffer because the process is taking too long or prospects find a company that provides less resistance on the path to purchasing.

5. Efficiency in Evolving

We’ve all seen it happen. The biggest companies can take the steepest falls, leaving us to watch the cloud of dust settle as we wonder, “What went wrong?”

If you’ve got tunnel vision on how to increase your sales only for tomorrow you may not make it to the next round. Stay ahead of the game by doing your research on the market and keeping a comprehensive company perspective in mind when establishing your strategies.

A strategy isn’t the only important factor in evolving for survival. Ethics and company culture are major determinants in the longevity of a corporation, no matter how effective your sales approach is. These two elements help to strongly reinforce the foundation on which trust and loyalty can be built on. These qualities help secure ever-increasing sales for the long haul.

6. Follow-Up for the Finale to Increase Your Sales

One of the most frequent mistakes companies make when trying to increase sales is giving up. Follow-up is a necessary process of warming up the lead.

So how many times do you think it takes to convert an average lead?

5…maybe 6?

Try 11.

How many companies are actually going through with 11 follow-ups per lead?

Not many.

Shockingly, one-third of companies aren’t even following up once with a lead! Lucky for you, that means there are plenty of businesses who are taking themselves out of the selling game and leaving leads free for you to catch. Once you do, remember that it’s a process and giving up means you’d be sending it back out to be caught by your competition.

Ready to learn more about how you can improve sales conversations and increase follow-up speed? Get a demo of our AI-powered sales enablement software!


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